Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Happy Girl

Miss Maggie is 8 weeks old! (I can't believe it!) We had her 2 month check up on Friday and she did so well! She is weighing in at 10lbs 9oz and measures 24 inches! The doctor said her weight is in the 50th percentile but that in length she is in the 95th!!! Takes after her daddy! They gave her her first round of shots (that was hard) and she was so good. She did cry and had to tell me all about it in her own way afterward!

As you can see above she is a very happy girl! She is starting to really react to her surroundings, smiling and talking a ton! Her cooing is wonderful... I will try to catch it on a video so you can all see it!


mkoleary said...

i love her gummy baby smiles!!

Kelly Marshall said...

Good looking Great Grand Daughter.
Grandpa Ken