Friday, September 9, 2011

Some Fun Pictures

This is a picture of Benjamin at 28wks... 8 weeks ago!!! Gosh, time has flown!

Maggie playing in the tub, she is at such a fun age.
Below is a picture of Maggie on one of our coffee dates. Usually we go to my doctor's appointment and if Maggie does well we go get chocolate coffee (hot chocolate). She loves it.

The Hudson's came to visit a couple months ago. It was great for us to see our Godson Russell and Baby Max and  for Maggie to see her Godparents Paul and Katie.

 Maggie is fascinated by hula hoops and she can't wait to be able to ACTUALLY do it on her own. Here are some videos of David helping her.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I LOVE her laugh. Sooo stinkin cute. & Benjamin is adorable. Can't wait to meet him!