Thursday, December 11, 2008

35 weeks!

Time for an update!!! Magdalen is growing like crazy and seems to be running out of room!! She likes to do her calisthenics 3-4 times a day which include her punching, kicking and trying to stretch as far as my belly will let her! Maggie also gets the hiccups at least once a day if not twice... sometimes strong enough for David to feel them too! She is just about done 'cooking' and should be making her debut sometime in the next 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 weeks!

Here I am, this is me this morning at 35 weeks 4days... getting bigger and bigger!!! I am still pretty comfortable considering that I am nearing the end. I have been sleeping 6-8 hours a night and enjoying every minute of it!! I am excited to meet our baby girl... though I do get a little nervous when I really think about it!! It is just amazing to me that I will be a mom soon... and that I have to give birth soon!! ha ha ha.

David is getting really excited too, we often talk about who she will look like and what her personality will be like. David talks to her often and says he can't wait to be able to experience her squirmy-ness in real life! David has been working hard as usual and recently finished his quarter at school with a 4 point average! He had to make a video for his final project and did a really great job! What can I say I am a proud wife!

Thank you all for your prayers and love. We can't wait for Maggie to get here so that we can all meet her! Love you all!

1 comment:

mkoleary said...

Look at your beautiful belly!! I can't wait to see you soon!!