Thursday, February 25, 2010

Silly Maggie :)

Miss Maggie is getting quite the personality... she knows how to play jokes and be silly, she is so loving and recently she is VERY strong willed. Which makes things interesting to say the least. Though she surprises me with how well behaved she is just when we need her to be.

Her hair is getting longer and I am able to put more hair clips in now which is the moment I have been waiting for! haha. Isn't she a cutie?

Here she is patiently awaiting her food at the restaurant and playing with my sunglasses.

Silly Maggie.

It was so funny, the other day we were playing and Maggie wandered into the kitchen and exclaimed: "BA!!!!". Next thing you know she is trying to drag this box to the living room... she gets so excited when she gets a new box. Kids!

So we told her we were going to mail her special delivery to Abuelito and Abuelita!


Unknown said...

Hey Lily!. Its your cousin Mikey from california. I've just been able to save the link to your blog and look forward to hearing and seeing more from Maggie! Hope you're well!!! we all love and miss you!

mkoleary said...

very cute!! we had a blast playing with her and she did such a great job of sharing all of her things & people.

your a great mom Lili!!

love you