Wednesday, July 16, 2008

15 weeks... that's right 2nd Trimester!!!

pregnancy week by week

So, I missed blogging during my 14th week.... but have no fear... I am here!

This week baby's legs are straightening out... and baby is learning to kick and stretch them out. Though since baby is still very small (only about 4 1/2 inches right now) the movements are still too small to notice. Also, baby's ears are positioned on the sides of it's head... they used to be on baby's neck. Baby is also practicing sucking, breathing and swallowing motions... that is just so cool!

This week I seem to be fighting off some kind of nasty bug... not really sure if I just have really bad summer allergies, or if I actually have a cold... who knows. Other than that I am actually feeling pretty good. I have more energy and I feel like I am coming back from the dead! I am starting to show a bit more... I am actually NEEDING my maternity clothes. I have also been noticing some pretty strong flutters in there at night when I laying in bed -- it is sooooo cool and amazing!!

This last Sunday we got some baby furniture... thanks to Jo and Kevin (David's parents) we have a crib now! Also, David and I got a little dresser/changing table! They are both ivory and perfect. As soon as we got back from our shopping trip David (and I) started cleaning out the bedroom that will soon belong to baby. I was so impressed by Dave, he went to town on that room... the closet is virtually empty and all we have to do now is TRY to sell the big stuff. It was so cute... I think the reason David attacked that room so aggressively is because he feels like he can FINALLY do something for the baby. (he hasn't admitted this... so I am assuming.)

We are so excited because we have about 4 1/2 weeks until our big ultrasound!!! We'll know the sex (if baby cooperates) on August 22nd!!! I can't wait to know whether it's Magdalen Grace or Benjamin Dariel!!! No more calling baby 'it'. Yeah!!


mkoleary said...

Wow you have some beautiful names picked out!!! Also I, being so far away, wanna see pictures of it all!!

Congrats on your baby goods. Can't wait to hear about more.

Love you.

Sarah n' Reid Partlow said...
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Sarah n' Reid Partlow said...

I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl. Those are both cute names. And I agree with Beck you should post what your new baby furniture looks like. Though I will see later tonight.