Tuesday, June 3, 2008

8 Weeks Today!!

pregnancy week by week

Today is the first day of my eighth week, and I am FEELING it too!

Baby Marshall is about the size of a large raspberry right now and it's arms, legs, nose, eyelids and back are beginning to take shape so it is starting to look more human. Also this week Baby Marshall is making some movements... though they are way too tiny to feel.

I have been feeling pretty good for the most part. However, today I think that my body is 'celebrating' the beginning of my 8th week... I haven't been able to shake the nausea!!! Baby Marshall is really sucking me dry too... I can't seem to get enough sleep or food!! It is a strange feeling when you feel nauseous and hungry at the same time.

David is doing great! He is so excited for the baby... he usually refers to me in plural. Like: "How are my babies doing?" or he will pray that the Lord would bless his babies... it is quite cute. He is also very attentive and quick to jump up and get me water or food and the tums when they are needed . :)

We are feeling really blessed and more and more excited as the weeks go by!!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Congrats, Lili and David! I was so surprised to read your wonderful news in your great new blog, but also so incredibly happy for you! I'll be praying for your little one and you during these next several months! I miss you guys!
